Marie Lynch (mu-ree lench)

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NC - North Carolina
I'm a wife, mom, and intercessor. Won't you find some comfort in your story as you read about mine day by Dei...
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Friday, February 12, 2010

The Book

On this snowy Valentine's weekend, Brad & I saw The Book of Eli. I was curious. Sure, it'd seem more fitting to see a sappy chick flick, but in honor of the martyr, St. Velentenius, we thought we'd celebrate our love for one another by watching Denzel Washington fulfill his calling as Eli, sojourner of the West.
Don't fret, I will keep all the "cool" inquiries a secret. However, I will indulge my thoughts on The Book. The main character, Eli, read and studied The Book (a Bible) everyday. He guarded it ferociously. It never left him, and he never left it alone. And in this mission to which he was called, the point was always the Book.
Keep the Book.
Never leave the Book.
Guard the Book.
Read the Book.
Study the Book.
Carry the Book.
The Book.
And so I do I treat the Book? Do I treasure God's Word in my heart that will keep me from sinning? Do I cling to its decrees? (Ps. 119:11,31) Do I continually abide in the Word, as Jesus called believers in John 15?
I pray you'll turn your heart to the truth & wisdom found alone in the Bible. Would you join me today in reading Psalm 119. Refresh your devotion to the Book.

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